uniapp微信小程序 红点提示

uniapp yekong 1596℃

uniapp微信小程序 红点提示
uniapp微信小程序 红点提示


	<div class="diandian">
		<div @click="getEdit">
		<div class="dians" v-if="isShow" :style="{right:right+'rpx',top:top+'rpx'}"></div>

	import {
	} from 'vuex';
	import {
	} from '@/config/api.js'
	export default {
		name: "tabs",
		components: {},
		props: {
			types: {
				type: String,
				default () {
					return '';
			right: {
				type: Number,
				default () {
					return 0;
			top: {
				type: Number,
				default () {
					return 0;
		computed: {
			...mapGetters(['footerActive', 'states']),
			isShow: function() {
				var isShow = 0
				// ar (integer, optional): 仲裁中 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// arbitration (integer, optional): 仲裁中心 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// bi (integer, optional): 竞标中 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// ca (integer, optional): 已取消 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// end (integer, optional): 已完成 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// go (integer, optional): 进行中 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// id (integer, optional): id-后台填充 ,
				// ok (integer, optional): 服务商-待确定 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// pay (integer, optional): 代付款 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// sar (integer, optional): 服务商-仲裁中 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// sbi (integer, optional): 服务商-竞标中 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// sca (integer, optional): 服务商-已取消 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// send (integer, optional): 服务商-已完成 0 没有 1 有 ,
				// sgo (integer, optional): 服务商-进行中 0 没有 1 有 ,
				if (this.types == 'all') {
					if (this.states.ar || this.states.arbitration || this.states.bi || this.states.ca ||
						this.states.end ||
						this.states.go ||
						this.states.ok ||
						this.states.pay ||
						this.states.sar ||
						this.states.sbi ||
						this.states.sca ||
						this.states.send ||
					) {
						isShow = true
				} else if (this.types == 'workers') {
					if (this.states.sar ||
						this.states.ok ||
						this.states.sbi ||
						this.states.sca ||
						this.states.send ||
						this.states.sgo) {
						isShow = true
				} else if (this.types == 'employers') {
					if (this.states.ar || this.states.bi || this.states.ca ||
						this.states.end ||
						this.states.go ||
					) {
						isShow = true
				} else {
					if (this.states[this.types]) {
						console.log('有红点' + this.types)
						isShow = true
				return isShow
		data() {
			return {
				datas: {}
		watch: {},
		mounted() {},
		methods: {
			gettypes() {
				if (this.types == 'ar') {
					this.datas = {
						ar: 0
				if (this.types == 'arbitration') {
					this.datas = {
						arbitration: 0
				if (this.types == 'bi') {
					this.datas = {
						bi: 0
				if (this.types == 'ca') {
					this.datas = {
						ca: 0
				if (this.types == 'end') {
					this.datas = {
						end: 0
				if (this.types == 'go') {
					this.datas = {
						go: 0
				if (this.types == 'ok') {
					this.datas = {
						ok: 0
				if (this.types == 'pay') {
					this.datas = {
						pay: 0
				if (this.types == 'sar') {
					this.datas = {
						sar: 0
				if (this.types == 'sbi') {
					this.datas = {
						sbi: 0
				if (this.types == 'sca') {
					this.datas = {
						sca: 0
				if (this.types == 'send') {
					this.datas = {
						send: 0
				if (this.types == 'sgo') {
					this.datas = {
						sgo: 0
			getdata() {
				var that = this;
				var uid = uni.getStorageSync('userid')
				if (uid) {
						id: uid,
					}, {
						custom: {
							auth: true
					}).then(res => {
						if (res.code == 200) {
							that.$store.commit('states', res.data);
					}).catch(err => {

			getEdit() {
				if (this.types == 'all' || this.types == 'workers' || this.types == 'employers') {} else {
			// 更新红点
			editdata() {
				var that = this;
					userId: uni.getStorageSync('userid'),
				}, {
					custom: {
						auth: true
				}).then(res => {
					if (res.code == 200) {
				}).catch(err => {

<style scoped lang="scss">
	.dians {
		border-radius: 50%;
		width: 20rpx;
		height: 20rpx;
		position: absolute;
		margin-left: 30rpx;
		top: 0rpx;
		right: 0;
		background: #FF0000;

	.diandian {
		position: relative;


	<div class="tabbody">
		<div class="tabsx" :class="{active:active==1}">
			<div class="tabx cur" :class="{active:active==index}" @click="getactive(index)" v-for="(item,index) in list"
				<dian v-if="item=='订单' && active==0" :right="-20" :top="0" types="employers">
					<span>{{ item }}</span>
				<span v-else>{{ item }}</span>

	import dian from '@/components/dian.vue'
	export default {
		name: "tabs",
		components: {
		props: {
			list: {
				type: Array,
				default () {
					return ['关注', '粉丝'];
		data() {
			return {
				active: 0
		watch: {},
		mounted() {},
		methods: {
			getactive(e) {
				this.active = e
				this.$emit('getactive', e)

<style lang="scss" scoped>
	.tabbody {
		display: flex;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
		flex-wrap: nowrap;
		flex-direction: row;
		height: 110rpx;

	.tabsx {
		display: flex;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
		flex-wrap: nowrap;
		flex-direction: row;
		background: url('https://cdn.hifreeter.com/xiaochengxu/static/tabbg.png') no-repeat;
		width: 353rpx;
		height: 56rpx;
		background-size: 100% 100%;

		.tabx {
			font-size: 24rpx;
			font-family: MicrosoftYaHei;
			font-weight: 400;
			color: #000000;
			display: flex;
			justify-content: center;
			width: 160rpx;
			align-items: center;
			flex-wrap: nowrap;
			flex-direction: column;

			span {
				font-size: 28rpx;
				font-family: MicrosoftYaHei;
				font-weight: 400;
				color: #7D7D7D;

		.tabx.active {
			span {
				color: #FFFFFF;

	.tabsx.active {
		background: url('https://cdn.hifreeter.com/xiaochengxu/static/tabbgactive.png') no-repeat;
		width: 353rpx;
		height: 56rpx;
		background-size: 100% 100%;

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