uniapp 列表页面包括搜索 无数据处理 加载状态

uniapp yekong 1360℃

uniapp 列表页面结合uview 实现列表加载,分页加载 无数据处理 加载状态 搜索

uniapp 列表页面结合uview 实现列表加载,分页加载 无数据处理 加载状态 搜索

	<view class="home">
				<div class="topbg">
					<u-navbar leftIconColor="#D5D9E7" :titleStyle="titleStyle" title="公司管理" :placeholder="true"
						:safeAreaInsetTop="true" :fixed="true" bgColor="rgba(0,0,0,0)" :autoBack="true">
			<div class="search">
				<input @confirm="getdata" type="text" v-model="CompanyName" placeholder="请输入公司名称"
					placeholder-style="color:#B8BACB" />
		<scroll-view :style="'height:'+windowHeight+'px'" scroll-y="true" class="list scroll-Y"
			<div class="items">
				<item :item="item" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index"></item>
			<nodata mode="list" :loading='loading' :list="list"></nodata>
			<u-loadmore v-if="list.length>0" :status="status" />

	import item from './item.vue'
	import add from './add.vue'
	import nodata from '@/components/nodata/index.vue'
	import {
	} from '@/config/api.js'
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				code: '',
				session_key: '',
				phoneNumber: '',
				openid: '',
				status: 'loadmore',
				windowHeight: 0,
				loading: true,
				titleStyle: {
					color: '#FFFFFF'
				total: 0,
				list: [],
				CompanyId: 0,
				CompanyName: '',
				pageSize: 10,
				pageIndex: 1,
		components: {
		onShow() {
			this.CompanyId = uni.getStorageSync('uid')
		mounted() {
			var that = this;
				success: function(res) {

					that.windowHeight = res.windowHeight - res.statusBarHeight - 125
		methods: {
			goreg(page) {
					url: page
			getdata() {
				var that = this;
				that.pageIndex = 1
				that.status = 'loading'
					params: {
						CompanyId: that.CompanyId,
						CompanyName: that.CompanyName,
						pageIndex: that.pageIndex,
						pageSize: that.pageSize,
					custom: {
						auth: true
				}).then(res => {
					that.loading = false
					this.status = 'loadmore'
					if (res.Code == 200) {
						that.list = res.Data
				}).catch(err => {

			getmore() {
				var that = this;
				that.pageIndex = that.pageIndex + 1;
				this.status = 'loading';
					params: {
						CompanyId: that.CompanyId,
						CompanyName: that.CompanyName,
						pageIndex: that.pageIndex,
						pageSize: that.pageSize,
					custom: {
						auth: true
				}).then(res => {
					var data = res.Data;
					if (!data || data.length == 0) {
						that.status = 'nomore';
					} else {
						this.status = 'loadmore'
					for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
				}).catch(err => {


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